Putting Together Your Wardrobe For After Laser Hair Removal

If you are considering laser hair removal to get great, maintenance-free legs for the summer, you should start your treatments now. It takes around six weeks for your hair to completely fall out and for the extra sensitivity to light that your skin will develop to go away. During this period, you can keep up with spring fashions and then have hair-free legs to show off just in time for the short skirts and shorts of summer. 

The First Three Days: Loose, Light Fabrics 

Immediately after your treatment, your skin may be sensitive. Some people experience slight blistering where they received treatment. In most cases, this feels like a light sunburn. During this period, you will want to keep your skin protected from sunlight. At the same time, you will want to avoid coarse or tight clothing that may irritate your skin. 

Loose skirts are ideal for the first three days after treatment. Maxi skirts can be appropriate if you are not experiencing blistering. If you have a more severe reaction, you will want to stick with full-length A-line skirts or peasant skirts that allow more breathability. 

If skirts aren't your thing, you may want to wear wide-leg pants, such as sailor pants or palazzo pants. 

The Next Six Weeks: Keep It Covered 

During the next one month to six weeks, your hair will fall out, revealing your smooth legs. During this time, your skin will still be extra-sensitive to sunlight, so it is important to keep your legs protected. However, the sensitivity and blistering will subside at this point, allowing you to wear tighter pants. 

You can wear anything you usually would during this period, as long as your legs are covered. If you are wearing shorts or a short skirt, you should consider wearing leggings underneath. Thin stockings or tights may prevent most sun exposure, but for full protection consider thicker leggings during this period. 

Final Stage: Show It Off 

After six weeks, you are free to flaunt your legs to the world. They should be smooth and free of hair. However, keep in mind that most people need multiple treatments to permanently remove all of their leg hair. 

Shorter skirts, shorts, and swimsuits are all open to you without having to shave on a daily basis. You should still continue to wear sunscreen, though, to protect your skin for years to come. 

Your highest priority after laser hair removal should be to protect your skin while it heals, but that doesn't mean you can't look good while doing so. 
